
Token Distribution: Our tokenomics strategy aims for equitable distribution among contributors, including users, creators, collectors, and KOLs. We prioritize decentralization among token holders and foster healthy competition to drive organic growth within the Web3 and AI-enhanced social ecosystem.

Vesting Dynamics: For vesting, Launchpad tokens will have a 40% release on TGE, with a 1-month cliff and 6 months linear vesting. Team tokens will follow a 6-month cliff and 18 months linear vesting schedule. This structure ensures sustainable ecosystem growth, supporting user engagement and partnerships.

Ongoing Community Support: We emphasize community engagement through public oversight and voting mechanisms for token utilization, placing governance at the heart of our ecosystem. This approach enhances project development and minimizes token emissions, securing the project's long-term value.


Staking of tokens to earn more rewards. The longer you've been a user, the greater your voting rights become.

Platform Purchase and Discounts

$ATRM tokens serve as a versatile currency within the Alterim AI ecosystem. Users can utilize $ATRM for various transactions, including purchasing and exchanging NFTs. Additionally, token holders can enjoy exclusive discounts on in-app items within the platform and other premium features, enhancing the overall user experience.

Revenue Sharing

A unique aspect of the $ATRM tokenomics is the opportunity for stakers to share in the platform's revenue. Based on their governance weight, users who stake $ATRM tokens can receive a portion of the income generated from transaction fees, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem where contributions are rewarded.


The tokenomics of $ATRM, including its utilities such as governance, staking, platform transactions, and revenue sharing, are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, market dynamics, and strategic decisions by the Alterim AI team. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we encourage our community to stay informed through official channels for any updates or changes. The Alterim AI team is committed to acting in the best interest of our platform and community, ensuring a transparent and collaborative approach to the evolution of $ATRM tokenomics.

Last updated